Partial splenic embolization using polyvinyl alcohol foam, dextran, polystyrene, or silicone. An experimental study in dogs.

Partial splenic arterial embolization (50% reduction in flow) was evaluated in dogs using polyvinyl alcohol foam or microspheres (20-500 .mu.) made of dextran, polystyrene, or silicone. Dextran and polystyrene were superior for several reasons: they were easier to use, did not shatter when agitated, and produced permanent, homogeneous, peripheral occlusion with only 1 administration. Partial embolization with dextran or polystyrene increased platelet levels within 1 wk and markedly reduced splenic size with minimal if any collateral filling within 6 wk. Microscopically, no acute infarction or necrosis was seen at 6 wk; there was some fibrosis, but the remaining parenchyma appeared normal. [These may be useful in the treatment of patients with hypersplenism.].