The long-term management of duodenal ulceration using an H2-antagonist: symptomatic self-care compared with maintenance treatment

In a 48-week study of 319 duodenal ulcer patients, symptomatic self-care with an histamine H2-receptor antagonist (flexible self-chosen dosing with cimetidine 0, 400 or 800 mg/day) was compared with maintenance treatment (cimetidine 400 mg nocte). The rate of withdrawal from the study was similar in both groups. The mean consumption of cimetidine 400 mg tablets was significantly higher in the maintenance group (7.2 vs. 5.4 tablets/week; P less than 0.0001), but the mean cumulative number of days with ulcer symptoms was higher in the symptomatic self-care group (47.2 vs. 29.1 days in 48 weeks). The estimated number of days of work-loss due to ulcer symptoms was similar in both groups (approximately 4 days in the 48 weeks of observation). It is concluded that symptomatic self-care using an H2-antagonist can provide not only an economic but also an effective strategy for the long-term management of uncomplicated duodenal ulceration.