A new CentriSwim procedure to increase the recovery of motile spermatozoa

Summary. A prospectively controlled in vitro study was performed to compare sperm concentration, sperm motility and progressive sperm motility recovered following the standard swim‐up procedure and a new CentriSwim procedure. The CentriSwim procedure involves creating a centrifugal force to counteract the force of gravity during sperm swim‐up procedure. Two aliquots of semen from 12 normozoospermic ejaculates and 12 laboratory‐induced oligoasthenozoospermic specimens were diluted, centrifuged, and 1.0 ml of media layered over the sperm pellet. One aliquant was processed by standard swim‐up technique. The other aliquant was processed by CentriSwim procedure involving centrifugation at 200 rpm on a 2‐cm radius upward‐directing arm, at an angle of 60° for 10 min, creating roughly 0.8 g centrifugal force at room temperature (22–24°C) to counteract the force of gravity. The numbers of spermatozoa recovered from the upper 0.5 ml of the medium following CentriSwim from the normozoospermic ejaculates and laboratory‐induced oligoasthenozoospermic specimens were significantly higher than following standard swim‐up procedure. No statistical differences in the recovery of percentage sperm motility and progressive sperm motility between the two techniques were observed. In conclusion, the CentriSwim procedure yields higher numbers of motile spermatozoa than the standard swim‐up technique.