Holocene Mean Uplift Rates Across an Active Plate-Collision Boundary in Taiwan

Samples of Holocene fossil coral from uplifted reefs of three tectonically distinct, yet geographically proximal regions of Taiwan have been dated by uranium-series and 14 C isotopes. Applying corrections for altitude change caused by sea level fluctuations enables evaluation of long-term average Holocene uplift rates for three areas across an active convergent margin: (i) the Hengchun Peninsula of the Eurasian tectonic plate; (ii) the Eastern Coastal Range of Taiwan, a plate boundary; and (iii) two offshore islands, Lanyu and Lutao, both situated on the leading edge of the adjoining Philippine Plate. The data indicate that while all three areas have experienced uplift through the Holocene, plate collision has caused significantly higher uplift rates in the region directly along the plate boundary.