The Emergicenter: Has its Time Arrived?

Skyrocketing health care costs are endemic during inflationary periods, affecting not only health care consumers, but also health care providers. Virtually all governmental policymakers recognize spiraling health care costs, but hospital costs continue to escalate faster than the general rate of inflation. In response, alternatives to the traditional physician-patient and hospital-patient relationships have experienced a dramatic resurgence in the last decade, competing for the health care dollar. Two health care alternatives, the health maintenance organizstion (HMO) and the ambulatory surgical center (surgicenter) at which minor surgical procedures can be performed on an out-patient basis. have emerged to provide health care services in a more cost-efficient manner, thereby increasing price competition in the health care sector. The most recent alternative health care system on the health care horizon is the free standing emergency center or “emergicenter.” The growth of these emergicenters within the last few years has heen dramatic—500 in existence as of March 1982.