Cranio-cerebral erosion (growing fracture of the skull in children)

This paper is based on a study of sixty cases of cranio-cerebral erosion treated in the Department of Neurosurgery. All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi during the last 20 years. This constitutes the largest series, so far reported from anywhere. It has provided a unique opportunity to get a comprehensive picture of the clinical and radiological features of this lesion, as also their evolution. These have been correlated with the findings at surgery and histopathological observations. The study highlights the incidence, pattern and severity of the brain damage associated with this lesion. Evidence has been provided for the progressive nature of the brain damage, not adequately emphasized in the existing literature. Pathogenesis of this brain damage has been discussed. The role of surgery in the management of this lesion has been outlined. Emphasis on the osseous changes or the “leptomeningeal cyst” (not really a consistent or important feature) in most publications on this subject has tended to minimize the significance of the brain damage in this condition. The authors suggest that the latter is far more important and therefore, recommend the use of nomenclature which takes this into account.