On the Γ-Γ and Γ-X transitions of the GaxIn1−xP alloys

The temperature dependence of EΓΓ6c−Γ8ν is studied by piezoreflectance from 8 to 300°K. The variation is linear from 100 to 300°K with a temperature coefficient β=(−4.6±0.4) × 10−4 eV/°K for x =0.51. At low temperature the bowing parameter of the parabolic variation of EΓΓ vs x is 0.42 eV. At room temperature, electroreflectance measurements give 0.49 eV. The X6c−Γ8ν indirect gap is measured by electrotransmission. At room temperature the Γ‐X crossover composition is xc =0.63±0.02 and the corresponding energy EΓΓ= EΓx=2.14±0.01 eV. For T < 10°K, xc =0.69±0.02 and EΓΓ=EΓx=2.32±0.01 eV.