Women and Schizophrenia: A Review

Objective:This is a selective review article which aims to explore current areas of research involving women with schizophrenia and to identify areas requiring future research. Method:Research studies conducted both nationally and internationally are reviewed with an emphasis on a gender-based approach. Results:The review is divided into three sections. First there is an introduction including a brief consideration of the possible reasons for the noted lack of studies focussing on women with schizophrenia and a summary of the epidemiological evidence that has prompted interest in gender-based schizophrenia research. Second, there is a review of some studies that utilise gender as a paradigm to understand the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, and third, a discussion of the role of gender in management approaches is presented. Conclusions:The main conclusion is that women have not been well represented in schizophrenia research. Female-specific management issues and a better understanding of the impact of schizophrenia on women require more gender-based research.