Parvalbumin and calretinin in the avian thymus

The avian thymic hormone, known to support the maturation of T-lymphocytes, is biochemically similar to parvalbumin. However, its exact cellular distribution in the thymus is unknown. We have therefore studied the occurrence of parvalbumin and other related calcium-binding proteins in this organ by immunohistochemistry during development and after hatching. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity appears in the epithelial cells on embryonic day 9, and is expressed in the cortical reticular cells in the adult. Calretinin is found in the clusters of medullary epithelial cells from embryonic day 11, whereas calbindin D-28k is absent from this organ. Thus, calcium binding-proteins are excellent markers for different compartments of the avian thymus in embryonic life and after hatching, and their expression seems to coincide with their functional maturation.