The Relationship of Leishmania braziliensis Subspecies and Immune Response to Disease Expression in New World Leishmaniasis

Multivariate analyses of clinical presentation, subspecies identity of the causal organism, and the Leishmania-specific immune response parameters (indirect fluorescent antibody test [IFAT), cutaneous delayed type hypersensitivity [DTH),and in vitro lymphocyte transformation [LT]) of 441 patients with tegumentary leishmaniasis were used to examine the human host-parasite interaction in L. braziliensis infection. Mucocutaneous disease (P < .002) and L. braziliensis brasiliensis infection (P < .001) were independently associated with significantly higher IFAT titers and cutaneous DTH than were cutaneous disease or L. braziliensis panamensis infection. Lesion size was also correlated with IFAT titer (P. < .001). Although time of lesion evolution was highly correlated with all parameters, differences associated with subspecies and disease form were independent of lesion duration (three-way analysis of variance). In contrast with the cutaneous DTH response, the in vitro lymphocyte proliferative response to Leishmania antigen did not correlate with disease form and only weakly with infecting subspecies when time of evolution and subspecies were controlled. The association of mucosal disease presentation with a particular subspecies and the independent correlation of both variables with heightened IFAT titers and cutaneous DTH to Leishmania antigen supports the possibility of immune mechanisms of pathogenesis in human tegumentary leishmaniasis