Heart and Lifestyle: A Type A Treatment Program for Myocardial Infarction Patients

Despite almost thiry years of research on the Type A Behavior Pattern (TABP), only a few controlled treatment studies have been performed. Even fewer of them have been designed as long-term programs, the best known and most carefully controlled being the Recurrent Coronary Prevention Project (RCPP) at Mt. Zion Hospital, San Francisco (Friedman et al. 1982, Friedman et al. 1984, Thoresen et al. 1982). In Scandinavia, a study on TABP was published in 1980 (Orth-Gomér et al.), comparing the frequency of TABP among myocardial infarction patients, hypertensive patients, and healty controls. The results indicated more TABP among MI patients, thereby suggesting that TABP may be associated with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in Sweden.