Unit activities were recorded from cervical neurons during forelimb fictive locomotion. Rhythmic activities were evaluated by onset and termination. Rhythmically-active neurons were classified into 4 major groups: (1) neurons, the active periods covered the whole flexor phase; (2) f+e neurons, the active periods commenced prior to and terminated in the extensor phase; (3) e neurons, the active periods appeared within the extensor phase; (4) e+f neurons, the active periods commenced prior to and terminated in the flexor phase. In addition, a few neurons that were not classified were observed. Neuronal behaviors seemed to suggest that and e+f were grouped "flexor-like," while e and f+e were grouped as "extensor-like." "Flexor-like" neurons were likely distributed in the dorsal (lamina V-VI) and rostral (C5-C6) region, whereas "extensor-like" neurons distributed mainly in the ventral (lamina VI-VII) and caudal (C7-T1) region. Some neurons showed rhythmic activities prior to appearance of fictive locomotion (prelude rhythm). The structure of the central pattern generator was discussed.

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