Use of Human Fibroblast-Derived (Beta) Interferon in the Treatment of Epidemic Adenovirus Keratoconjunctivitis

Topical application of human fibroblast-derived (Beta) interferon (HulFN-β) has been used in treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis due to adenovirus. Patients received a total of 1−2 × 105 reference units of HulFN- β per day, divided into 8–10 drops. Control patients received corticosteroid therapy or a placebo containing human serum albumn, with the same administration schedule. The severity and evolution of symptoms was analyzed according to a number of clinical criterias. The results indicate that in the interferon-treated group the length of the disease was reduced from an average of 27 days to 6.5 days. The number of cases in which keratitis occurred as a complication of the disease was reduced in the interferon-treated group to 10%, as opposed to 57% in the control group. Doses of interferon lower than 5 × 104 units per day, were not effective to prevent keratitis.