Attachment of the Tectorial Membrane Revealed by Scanning Electron Microscope

Our present-day descriptions of the causes of many forms of sensorineural deafness are based on what is known about the morphology of the organ of Corti. Unfortunately, this information is still woefully inadequate for a complete interpretation of normal events within this structure. Nevertheless there has been no shortage of theories based, in part at least, on assumptions of what the unknown morphology might be. One of the least understood structures is the tectorial membrane, for which the extent and position have had many descriptions. A review of these reveals that the observations vary with the techniques used, and different techniques have various effects on the sticky gel of the tectorial membrane which is reported to be 90% water. Here is described a technique whereby the bulk frozen-hydrated tectorial membrane is viewed by scanning electron microscopy. In its natural living state the tectorial membrane is sealed to the Hensen's cells, protecting the reticular lamina from endolymph.