Propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media-direct and inverse scattering problems

Wave propagation of transient electromagnetic waves in time-varying media is considered. The medium, which is assumed to be inhomogeneous and dispersive, lacks invariance under time translations. The spatial variation of the medium is assumed to be in the depth coordinate, i.e. it is stratified. The constitutive relations of the medium are a time integral of a generalized susceptibility kernel and the field. The generalized susceptibility kernel depends on one spatial and two time coordinates. The concept of wave splitting is introduced. The direct and inverse scattering problems are solved by the use of an imbedding or a Green function approach. The direct and the inverse scattering problems are solved for a homogeneous semi-infinite medium. Explicit algorithms are developed. In this inverse scattering problem, a function depending on two time coordinates is reconstructed. Several numerical computations illustrate the performance of the algorithms.