Lupus pernio: a clinico-radiological study of thirty-five cases

Thirty-five patients with lupus pernio were observed in a series of 818 patients with clinical and histological evidence of sarcoidosis. This analysis provides the natural history of lupus pernio and its associated clinico-radiographic features. There was intrathoracic involvement in 74% of patients, upper respiratory tract disease in 54%, reticulo-endothelial involvement in 54%, bone cysts in 43%, and ocular lesions in 37%. It predominated in West Indies-born women. Histological confirmation was easily obtained by nasal mucosal biopsy and this could be repeated serially to evaluate the response to various treatments. Nasal bone radiographs showed destruction of the nasal bones, porosis and alteration in bone texture. Peripheral bone cysts were evident in 50% of patients who were radiographed, and in about 50%, of these patients, the cysts were found in both hands and feet.