A statement is given of the advantages of this special technic and its place in embryological investigations, including directions for selecting the proper stages in collecting conifer cones and ovules, their methods of dissection from living material and their preservation for later dissection. The choice of dissecting microscopes and dissecting instruments, as well as directions for staining embryos with phloxine which may be combined with slow dehydration in glycerin, or for staining with Delafield''s or Heidenhain''s hematoxylin which may be followed by the glycerin dehydration are descr. Glycerin affords a convenient break for a temporary stopping place in this technic. Directions are given for transfer from glycerin through 95% and absolute ethyl alcohol into other solvents such as diaphane solvent, essence of euparal or an easily prepared sandarac solvent. Other mounting media which have been used for conifer embryos are discussed[long dash]glycerin jelly, Venetian turpentine and Canada balsam[long dash]emphasizing the special advantages found in the media employing sandarac.