Histopathologic Correlation of High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Cervical Tissue Samples at 3 Tesla

High-resolution magnetic resonance (HR-MR) images of human cervical tissue samples were correlated with low magnification histology to investigate the MR presentation of normal and pathologic anatomic structures in cervical tissue samples at 3T. Tissue samples were obtained from five large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ) cone biopsies and one surgical specimen. HR-MR images (3D-Spin Echo sequence: TR/TE: 1500/60 milliseconds, voxel size of 117 x 208 x 234 microm) and low magnification (5x) histology sections were acquired in the same anatomical planes and correlated. In vitro HR-MR imaging of cervical tissue samples correlated well with low magnification microscopic histology, demonstrating normal anatomy (epithelium and its mucus layer, connective tissue of the stroma, glands, blood vessels). In vitro HR-MR imaging adds information about tumor content and margins. High resolution MR imaging of cervical tissue samples assists in the identification of both normal structures and pathologic changes.