Mutational spectrum analysis has become an informative genetic tool to understand those protein functions involved in mutation avoidance pathways since specific types of mutations are often associated with particular protein defects involved in DNA replication and repair. In this study, we describe a novel, fluorescence-based procedure for direct determination of deletions and insertions with 100% accuracy. We performed two complementary directed termination PCR with near infrared dye-labeled primers, followed by visualization of termination fragments using an automated Li-cor DNA sequencer. This method is used for rapid analysis of mutational spectra generated in nuclease-defective strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to elucidate the role of RNase H(35) in RNA primer removal during DNA replication and in mutation avoidance. Strains deficient in RNH35 displayed a distinct spontaneous mutation spectrum of deletions characterized by a unique 4 bp deletion in a lys2-Bgl allele. This was in sharp contrast to strains deficient in rad27 that displayed duplication mutations. Further analysis of mutations in a rnh35/rad27 double mutant revealed a mixed spectrum. These results indicate that RNase H(35) may participate in a redundant pathway in Okazaki fragment processing and that mutational spectra caused by protein deficiencies may be more intermediate-specific than pathway-specific.