The nucleotide sequence of the Serratia marcescens threonine operon (thrA1A2BC) was determined. Three long open reading frames were identified; these open reading frames code for aspartokinase I (AKI)-homoserine dehydrogenase I (HDI), homoserine kinase, and threonine synthase, in that order. The predicted amino acid sequences of these enzymes were similar to the amino acid sequences of the corresponding enzymes in Escherichia coli. The AKI-HDI protein is apparently a tetramer composed of monomer polypeptides that are 819 amino acids long. A deletion analysis revealed that the central and C-terminal region was responsible for threonine-resistant HDI activity, a monomeric fragment extending from the N terminus to residue 306 was responsible for threonine-resistant AKI activity, and an N-terminal portion containing 468 residues was responsible for threonine-sensitive AKI activity. The thrA(1)1A(2)1 and thrA(1)5A(2)5 mutations of threonine-excreting strains HNr21 and TLr156, which result in the loss of threonine-mediated feedback inhibition of both AKI activity and HDI activity, cause single amino acid substitutions (Gly to Asp at position 330 and Ser to Phe at position 352, respectively) in the central region of the AKI-HDI protein. The thrA1+A(2)2 mutation of strain HNr59, which results in a threonine-sensitive AKI and a threonine-resistant HDI, also causes a single amino acid substitution (Ala to Thr at position 479).