Thirty-two yearling Friesian steers were used in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. The treatment variables were source of supplementary nitrogen and physical form of the diet. The diets contained 30% ground barley straw, ground maize, a nitrogen supplement, and minerals and vitamins. Urea was compared with soya bean meal as the nitrogen supplement and both diets were given as cubes or meal. There was no significant difference between treatments in daily live-weight gain, feed intake or commercial carcass acceptability.Digestibility trials with wethers showed the apparent digestibility of nitrogen and dry matter of the diet containing urea to be significantly lower than that of the diet containing soya bean meal (nitrogen 72·8 ν. 76·3, P < 0·001; dry matter 70·2 ν. 75·3, P < 0·01). The results are discussed in relation to the digestibility of the diets used, the source of supplementary nitrogen and the physical form of the diet.