NITRCGEN AND UREA OF THE BLOOD In previous communications1evidence was advanced to show that there is no disturbance of the fasting level of the blood urea or nonprotein nitrogen in cases of chronic arthritis. It was believed important, however, in studying the present relatively large group to include consideration of these factors in order further to substantiate or disprove these findings. Accordingly, determinations of blood nitrogen and urea were conducted in a series of seventeen cases. The blood samples were collected in the morning before the patient received his breakfast. Nonprotein nitrogen was determined by the direct nesslerization method of Folin and Denis2and blood urea by the method of Van Slyke and Cullen.3The figures herewith appended show that all cases, including those of the most severe type, fall well within normal limits. These observations were further supported by independent determination by Lieut. Thomas E. Buckman, M.C., on