Quadrupole and Octupole Excitations of the Even Tin Isotopes by Electron Scattering

Form factors obtained by the inelastic scattering of 60-MeV electrons from the first 2+ and 3 collective states of Sn116, Sn118, and Sn120 are reported. The momentum transfer range covered is 0.3-0.6 F1. Reduced transition probabilities B(EL) and transition radii Rtr2 are extracted from the data, using a transition charge distribution with a radial dependence given by the derivative of a Fermi charge distribution, and the distorted-wave code DUELS. In addition, the parameters c and t for a ground-state Fermi charge distribution, obtained by elastic scattering, are reported for Sn116, Sn118, Sn120, and Sn124.