Yeast alpha 2 repressor positions nucleosomes in TRP1/ARS1 chromatin.

The yeast alpha 2 repressor suppresses expression of a-mating-type-specific genes in haploid alpha and diploid a/alpha cell types. We inserted the alpha 2-binding site into the multicopy TRP1/ARS1 yeast plasmid and examined the effects of alpha 2 on the chromatin structure of the derivative plasmids in alpha cells, and a/alpha cells. Whereas no effect on nucleosome position was observed in a cells, nucleosomes were precisely and stably positioned over sequences flanking the alpha 2 operator in alpha and a/alpha cells. In addition, when the alpha 2 operator was located upstream of the TRP1 gene, an extended array of positioned nucleosomes was formed in alpha cells and a/alpha cells, with formation of a nucleosome not present in a cells, and TRP1 mRNA production was substantially reduced. These data indicate that alpha 2 causes a positioning of nucleosomes over sequences proximal to its operator in TRP1/ARS1 chromatin and suggest that changes in chromatin structure may be related to alpha 2 repression of cell-type-specific genes.