The Sun as a Low-Frequency Harmonic Oscillator

Solar activity, as expressed by interplanetary solar wind magnetic field fluctuations, modulates the atmospheric production of 14C. Variations of atmospheric 14C can be precisely established from the cellulose within annual tree rings, an independently dated conservative archive of atmospheric carbon isotopes. Δ14C time series interpretation shows that solar activity has varied with a recurrence period of 2115 ± 15 (95% confidence) yr (Hallstattzeit) (Damon & Sonett 1991) over the past 7160 yr. From a non-stationary oscillation solar activity hypothesis, 52 possible spectral harmonics may result from this period. Damon and Sonett (1991) identify powerful harmonics such as the 211.5-yr (Suess) and the 88.1-yr (Gleissberg) cycles as independent fundamental periods. These stronger harmonics appear to modulate the 11-yr (Schwabe) sunspot cycle. Variations in the solar magnetic field, thus, may respond to longer period variations of the solar diameter envelope (Ribes et al. 1989). Such variations would affect solar radiative energy output and, consequently, change total solar irradiance (Sofia 1984).