Endothelium-Specific In Vivo Gene Transfer

Targeted expression of genetic material within the vascular endothelium is potentially a powerful tool for the investigation of endothelial cell (EC) biology. We developed, optimized, and characterized an efficient somatic transgenic model of EC-specific gene transfer. Rat carotid arteries were infused with adenovirus expressing a β-galactosidase (β-gal) gene. The level and cell-type specificity of recombinant gene expression were measured by assaying β-gal activity in vessel extracts and by counting transduced cells in histological sections. Toxicity was evaluated by counting total ECs (3 days) and by measuring neointimal formation (14 days). Effects of transduction on the proliferation of vascular cells were measured with bromodeoxyuridine and [3H]thymidine. Maximum recombinant gene expression resulted from infusion of 1×1010 to 1×1011 plaque-forming units (pfu) per milliliter; ≈35% of luminal ECs were transduced. A high degree of EC specificity (90% to 98% of total transduced cells) was maintained over this range of virus concentrations. More highly concentrated virus resulted in loss of β-gal expression and a large decrease in luminal EC number (97% decrease, P<.001). Gene transfer at 4×1010 pfu/mL was efficient, preserved EC integrity, and caused minimal neointimal formation. After gene transfer, there were early (3-day) increases in both EC and smooth muscle cell proliferation. At 14 days, only EC proliferation remained elevated (18% versus 1.4% in vehicle-infused arteries, P=.005). This animal model permits efficient highly EC-specific gene transfer. Vascular toxicity is minimal, although the EC proliferative index is elevated. This model will be useful in experiments that elucidate the biological role of EC gene products and define pathways of EC gene regulation and signal transduction in vivo.