Toxicity screening of sediments, suspended sediments, soils, and solid wastes is becoming increasingly important in environmental studies. To date toxicity testing of sediments, suspended sediments, soils, and solid wastes has almost always been performed on exudates, water, and/or solvent extracts. These procedures are often complicated, labor intensive, and expensive. This report describes a simple, quick, inexpensive qualitative/ semiquantitative direct sediment/solid phase toxicity testing procedure (DSTTP) using the Toxi‐Chromotest kit. This procedure only requires the use of a balance, vortex mixer, and a 37°C incubator, and can easily be used under field conditions. The DSTTP measures the available toxicants of the test sediments, suspended sediments, soils, and any other solid wastes without altering the original characteristics of the samples as occurs in extraction and concentration procedures. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.