Disappearance of hyperscaling at low temperatures in non-Fermi-liquidCeCu5.2Ag0.8

Following the recently published results (down to 0.3 K) on magnetic-field induced non-Fermi-liquid behavior in polycrystalline CeCu6xAgx (0.09<x<1.2) we present here specific heat C measurements down to T=70mK on a CeCu5.2Ag0.8 single crystal. In the single crystal we find that in a critical magnetic field Bc only along the magnetic easy (c) axis, where the long-range antiferromagnetic order (TN=0.7K in B=0T) is just suppressed to T=0, a quantum critical point is reached with non-Fermi-liquid properties down to our lowest temperature of measurement. The lowest temperature C/T data, Bc, for B>Bc are proportional to 1aT0.5, a temperature dependence proposed in the Gaussian ( weakly interacting spin fluctuations) self-consistent renormalized spin-fluctuation theory. In contrast, the data at higher temperatures—including scaling with B/Tβ of both C and magnetization as a function of B—require a non-Gaussian strongly interacting spin-fluctuation model. In order to test this apparent crossover in behavior we have examined the scaling of C(B) for T<0.2K and find that the high-temperature scaling with B/Tβ (“hyperscaling”) does not function at the lowest temperatures.