Four Dimensional String/String/String Triality

In six spacetime dimensions, the heterotic string is dual to a Type $IIA$ string. On further toroidal compactification to four spacetime dimensions, the heterotic string acquires an $SL(2,\BbbZ)_S$ strong/weak coupling duality and an $SL(2,\BbbZ)_T \times SL(2,\BbbZ)_U$ target space duality acting on the dilaton/axion, complex Kahler form and the complex structure fields $S,T,U$ respectively. Strong/weak duality in $D=6$ interchanges the roles of $S$ and $T$ in $D=4$ yielding a Type $IIA$ string with fields $T,S,U$. This suggests the existence of a third string (whose six-dimensional interpretation is more obscure) that interchanges the roles of $S$ and $U$. It corresponds in fact to a Type $IIB$ string with fields $U,T,S$ leading to a four-dimensional string/string/string triality. Since $SL(2,\BbbZ)_S$ is perturbative for the Type $IIB$ string, this $D=4$ triality implies $S$-duality for the heterotic string and thus fills a gap left by $D=6$ duality. For all three strings the total symmetry is $SL(2,\BbbZ)_S \times O(6,22;\BbbZ)_{TU}$. The $O(6,22;\BbbZ)$ is {\it perturbative} for the heterotic string but contains the conjectured {\it non-perturbative} $SL(2,\BbbZ)_X$, where $X$ is the complex scalar of the $D=10$ Type $IIB$ string. Thus four-dimensional triality also provides a (post-compactification) justification for this conjecture. We interpret the $N=4$ Bogomol'nyi spectrum from all three points of view. In particular we generalize the Sen-Schwarz formula for short multiplets to include intermediate multiplets also and discuss the corresponding black hole spectrum both for the $N=4$ theory and for a truncated $S$--$T$--$U$ symmetric $N=2$ theory. Just as the first two strings are described by the four-dimensional {\it elementary} and {\it dual solitonic} solutions, so the

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