Estimating metabolic costs for homeotherms from weather data and morphology: an example using calidridine sandpipers

It is often desirable to estimate the metabolic costs incurred by homeothermic organisms of differing morphology living in different real or hypothetical environmental conditions. To address this problem, we describe a method, based on previously published empirical allometric and heat-transfer equations, that allows a rough estimate to be made of the daily maintenance metabolic costs (i.e., basal and thermoregulatory costs) incurred by a bird in a simple cold two-dimensional environment. The model uses widely available weather variables (temperature, wind speed, and global solar radiation), morphological variables (body mass, height of body's centre of gravity, diameter of torso), and a habitat variable (height of vegetation). We apply the model to weather data from the Canadian Arctic to predict daily metabolic costs for two calidridine sandpiper species (Calidris canutus and C. minutilla) during the summer. The model is extremely sensitive to error in the slope and intercept of the allometric equation predicting conductance from body mass, but is generally robust to other model parameters. Using ambient temperature (Ta) in place of operative temperature (Te) has only a minor (3.5%) effect on predicted metabolic costs, so, given that Teis difficult to estimate, we recommend this substitution (at least for arctic latitudes, where solar radiation is of reduced importance). The model predicts metabolic rates similar to those obtained from an equation based on a heated taxidermic mount for C. canutus, thereby providing some measure of validation. The model can easily be modified to predict metabolic costs for other groups of birds or mammals.