Viscoelastic relaxation of supercooled liquids. I

Complete information is presented for the viscoeleastic behaviour of n-propyl benzene, isopropyl benzene, sec. -butyl benzene, di(n-butyl) phthalate. di(isobutyl) phthalate and di(2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate. These liquids have been measured in the supercooled state using alternating shear stress of frequency f( = ω/2π), from the purely viscous range, through the region of viscoelastic relaxation into the purely elastic range. It has been established that the limiting shear modulus, G, of the liquids varies with temperature, T, according to the relation 1/G = 1/G0 + C(T - T0), where C is a constant for a given liquid and G0 is the modulus at the temperature T0, at which temperature there is no free volume available for molecular translational motion in the equilibrium liquid (Barlow, Lamb & Matheson 1966). Normalized plots of the resistive component of the shear mechanical impedance versus effective frequency show a wide separation along the frequency axis. However, when this quantity is plotted against (ωη/G) there is a striking similarity of behaviour, the curves for five of the above liquids being indistinguishable within experimental error. This has led to further measurements being made on a range of other liquids, the results for which are given in the second paper (part II), and finally to a reappraisal of the basis upon which previous analyses of viscoelastic relaxation have been based. A new approach to the interpretation of this behaviour is given in part II.