In order to study the static and dynamic properties of a localized moment in a ferromagnet, the temperature-dependent hyperfine interaction of dilute thulium in iron was measured between 4.2 and 450°K. Time-integral perturbed-angular-correlation (IPAC) experiments were performed simultaneously on two cascades in Tm169, using a sum-coincidence technique. Samples were prepared by implantation of radioactive Yb169 with an isotope separator. To analyze the results, the Jsfs·S interaction is approximated by a molecular field model, in which the exchange field Hexch between Tm and Fe is proportional to the host magnetization. The electronic Larmor frequency is then proportional to the Brillouin function representing the rare-earth susceptibility Jz. Above ∼200°K, the IPAC data may be interpreted in terms of the generalized Abragam-Pound theory. Below ∼200°K, however, the electron-spin correlation time τc is of the order of the nuclear lifetime τN, and the Abragam-Pound theory is not appropriate. We describe the application of a more general theory of perturbed angular correlations (Ref. 7), whose validity does not depend on the condition τcτN1. Exact analytical expressions are obtained assuming negligible quadrupole interaction, an axially symmetric magnetic hyperfine interaction, and exponential decay of the electron-spin correlation functions (whose amplitude is defined by the molecular field model). Experimental results above ∼20°K are in good over-all agreement with this analysis. A strong temperature dependence of the hyperfine field is observed (about 600% variation over the temperature range). The deduced exchange field between Tm and Fe at 0°K is 2.5±0.5 MOe. It is found that τc(300°K)5×1012 sec, in agreement with the Korringa limit, and results are consistent with a 1T dependence of the electron correlation time. Below ∼20°K, results of the calculation are insensitive to the value of τc; hyperfine field values are then deduced by assuming a static magnetic interaction. The hyperfine field at 0°K is 5.60±0.15 MOe. The discrepancy between this value and the sum of the free-ion field and the contact term (∼7.5 MOe) may be ascribed to ion-implantation problems or to crystalline electric field effects.