Papaver gracile Auch, is reported to have the somatic chromosome number of 2n = 28. Hence, it is a tetraploid with 7 as basic number. It is proposed to revise FEDDE'S former concept of the section Mecones basing on cytological, morphological and biochemical evidence. According to the author, Papaver somniferum (2n = 22), P. aculeatum (2n = 22), P. setigerum (2n = 44) and P. Gaubae (chromosome number unknown) should constitute the revised section Mecones. There are strong indications to place P. glaucum, P. decaisnei and P. gracile, the former representatives of the Mecones, into the section Orthorhoeades. These changes in the taxonomic position of the species concerned may reflect their natural relations more correctly.