Observations on Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l. (Diptera: Culicidae) during a trial of permethrin-treated bed nets in The Gambia

In a Gambian village, the peak collections of females of the complex of Anopheles gambiae Giles occurred three months after the onset of the heaviest rains; 32% of these were A. melas Theobald, and 54% of blood-meals were identified as originating from man. Counts of A. gambiae s.l. in rooms containing permethrin-treated bed nets were compared with those in rooms containing placebo-treated nets. The numbers in the permethrin-treated nets were far lower than in placebo-treated nets. A higher rate of exophily was noted in rooms containing permethrin-treated nets. The numbers of unfed A. gambiae s.l. found inside the rooms with placebo-treated nets were significantly higher than those with permethrin-treated nets. However, the proportion fed and the mortality in the exit traps were not significantly affected by permethrin treatment. Three-minute bioassays conducted on four different fabric types impregnated at the same concentration showed that the toxicity varied between the fabrics. Handwashing severely reduced the toxicity and approximately halved the permethrin content. Bed nets are frequently washed in Gambian villages, and this could be a problem in the application of permethrin impregnation of bed nets for vector control. Methods are discussed to overcome this problem at the village level.