Multiple Benign Epithelioma of the Scalp (So-Called Turban Tumor, Endothelioma Capitis, Cylindroma of the Scalp or Spiegler's Tumor). Presented by Dr. Francesco Ronchese, Providence, R. I. This white woman, aged 72, born in Italy, has had an eruption for fifty years, the lesions having grown slowly and multiplied until they attained their present appearance. The patient's mother and a paternal aunt had a similar condition on the scalp. A daughter had a painful growth the size of a pea on the scalp. There is an isolated tumor, embedded in the subcutis, in the occipital region. A bunch of tumors is present on the vertex. The growths vary in size from that of a pea to that of a walnut; they are packed together and form a lobulated mass about the size of a hen's egg. Pink-yellow discoloration is present. The tumors are firm. Some of them have been lacerated and