Morphologic and Immunoperoxidase Study of Neurologic Lesions in Naturally Acquired Rabies of Raccoons

Histopathologic (hematoxylin and eosin [HE]) and immunoperoxidase (streptavidin-biotin complex) methods were used for examination of formalin-fixed tissues of rabid raccoons from an enzootic area of Pennsylvania. Extensive morphologic lesions of rabies encephalitis were present in the cerebrum and the brain stem regions. Negri bodies were detected by both methods and were present in the brain (cerebral cortex, hippocampus, brain stem, cerebellum, and cervical spinal cord) and in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerves. The viral inclusions were also seen in ganglion cells in the tongue, parotid salivary glands, pancreas, intestines, and adrenal glands. These sites were not associated with any inflammatory cellular infiltrate. The immunoperoxidase method was superior to HE for the detection of Negri bodies. Because lesions of rabies encephalitis were consistently observed in the cerebrum, brain stem, and cervical spinal cord regions, these areas of the brain should be included when raccoons are examined by the fluorescent antibody test for rabies.