A Resonance Raman Method for the Rapid Detection and Identification of Algae in Water

Resonance Raman spectra are reported for aqueous suspensions of nine clones of marine plankton algae representing three classes, five genera, and seven species. Spectra are obtained easily either directly from culture or from samples concentrated by sedimentation. Spectra taken at 488 or 457.9 nm are of high quality and are sufficiently distinct to differentiate clones at the algal class level, and possibly also at the genus level. Strongest peaks occur near 1527 and 1158 cm−1 associated with ν(c = c) and ν(c – c) of carotenoid pigments, but information is contained in the entire region between 900 and 3000 cm−1 due to associated overtone and combination bands which can be assigned along with fundamental vibrations. Chlorophyll peaks also are quite pronounced. Spectra obtained using rapid flow techniques match those taken using slurries in sealed tubes if low laser power is used. The sensitivity and rapidity of the technique suggest that it may be useful in remote sensing applications.