Sexual Maturation and Fertility of Male Nigerian Dwarf Goat (Capra hircus) Clones Produced by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

Three, genetically identical, Nigerian Dwarf bucks produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (NT) of fetal fibroblasts were monitored for sexual maturation and fertility. Starting at four months of age, these male clones were trained to serve an artificial vagina (AV). Average age of the NT-derived bucks at first semen collection was 20 weeks, which was not different from that of other young bucks of this breed (average age at first collection = 20 weeks). Average sperm production at 5 months of age for the NT-derived bucks was 5.0 × 108 spermatozoa, which was comparable to that of dwarf bucks of similar age (3.4 × 108 spermatozoa). At seven months of age, semen collected from two NT-derived bucks was used to artificially inseminate six females (three does per buck). Five does were confirmed pregnant by ultrasound at day 42. Nine healthy kids, four males and five females, were born in March and April 2000. Viable spermatozoa were collected from one of the F1 males at 28 weeks of age. These results demonstrated that NT-derived bucks and one of their male offspring developed sexually within the normal timeframe for their breed and that the clones were fertile.