Coordination of the legs of a slow-walking cat

On the basis of behavioural studies the influences that coordinate the movement of the legs of a slowly walking cat have been investigated. The recording method applied here allows for the measurement of forward and backward movement of the legs which are called swing and stance movements, respectively. Influences etween contralateral legs, i.e. both front legs or both hind legs, are stronger than those occurring between ipsilateral legs, i.e. front and hind leg of the same side. Influences which coordinate the front legs seem to be of the same kind as those for the hind legs. These influences are symmetrical, which means that the same type of influence acts from right to left leg and in the reverse direction. Two types of influences are described for contralateral legs: 1. When the influencing leg performs a swing movement, the influenced leg is prevented from starting a swing movement. 2. When the influencing leg performs a stance movement, the probability that the influenced leg starts a swing movement increases as the influencing leg moves backwards during its stance movement. In contrast to contralateral coupling, the ipsilateral influences are asymmetric, i.e. a different influence acts from front to hind leg than does in the reverse direction. The front leg is influenced to start a swing when both legs have approached each other to a given value. The hind leg is influenced to start a stance movement after the front leg has begun its swing.