Homeostatic Lymphoid Chemokines Synergize with Adhesion Ligands to Trigger T and B Lymphocyte Chemokinesis

Homeostatic chemokines such as CCL19, CCL21, and CXCL13 are known to elicit chemotaxis from naive T and B cells and play a critical role in lymphocyte homing to appropriate zones within secondary lymphoid organs (SLO). Here we tested whether CCL21 and CXCL13 modulate murine lymphocyte motility in the absence of concentration gradients, using videomicroscopy to directly observe the migration of single cells. CCL21 treatment of T cells induced rapid polarization and sustained random migration with average speeds of 5.16 ± 2.08 μm/min; B cell migration (average velocity 4.10 ± 1.58 μm/min) was similarly induced by CXCL13. Migration required the presence of both chemokine and adhesion ligands and was sustained for >24 h. Furthermore, in in vitro assays modeling the relative infrequency of Ag-specific T cell-dendritic cell (DC) encounters during primary immune responses, we found that CCL21 addition to T-DC cocultures accelerated the kinetics of CD69 up-regulation and enhanced by 2-fold the proliferation of Ag-specific T cells in a manner dependent on G-protein-coupled receptor signaling in T cells. These results suggest that homeostatic chemokines could substantially impact the dynamics and priming of lymphocytes within SLO even in the absence of significant concentration gradients.