The prenatal growth of the human body determined by the measurement of bones and organs by ultrasonography

This paper presents the ultrasonographic analysis of the growth of two groups of human fetuses, one longitudinal and the other cross-sectional. Measurements of all the long bones were taken, as well as measurements of the folowing diameters: Biparietal, occipitofrontal, thoracic and abdominal anterior/posterior and transverse, spinal canal width, arm, forearm, thigh and leg transverse. The bladder and the stomach were also measured. The pregnancies analyzed covered the period between the 8th and 38th week of gestation. Centiles (3rd-97th) were calculated for each structure and week. All pregnancies known or suspected to be abnormal were removed from the study. The values obtained were tested in 102 pregnancies (test group); the expected values (from the graphs) did not deviate from the values obtained from this group of fetuses, demonstrating the reliability of the values presented in these graphs. All structures measured showed linear growth. There was no significant difference between the longitudinal and cross-sectional groups.