Monitoring Program Implementation in Community Mental Health Settings

Evaluations that monitor program implementation provide an empirical description of a programs setvices, the population seived, and a method for assessing whether the program as delivered matches the conceptual model on which it is based. This article presents the Daily Contact Log (DCL), an instrument that has been used to monitor the longitudinal form and content of services delivered in several community mental health care programs for persons with chronic mental illness. The instrument is described and directions for its use are detailed. The psychometric properties of the instrument are discussed, as is its evolution in multisite applications in various mental health care settings. The usefulness of the DCL for programmatic and research purposes is outlined, as are some secondary benefits to staff who use the instrument. While the viability and versatility of the DCL as an instrument for measuring important aspects of program implementation are stressed, its appropriateness for quality assurance analyses is also suggested.

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