Genetic Contributions to Plasma Total Antioxidant Activity

Abstract —Oxidative stress plays important roles in a wide spectrum of pathological processes, such as atherosclerosis. Although several environmental factors are documented to influence redox metabolism, relatively little is known about genetic effects. In the present study, we evaluated genetic contributions to variation in plasma total antioxidant status (TAS), a measure of peroxyl-scavenging capacity, in 1337 members of 40 Mexican American families. TAS levels were significantly lower in women than in men (1.675±0.004 versus 1.805±0.005 mmol/L, respectively; P P P P <0.05). Additive genetic effects account for 83% of the residual phenotypic variance in TAS levels among smokers, but they account for only 49% in nonsmokers. However, genes contributing to TAS variation are the same in smokers and nonsmokers. Our study for the first time demonstrates that TAS, an indicator of redox homeostasis, is under strong genetic control, especially among smokers. With appropriate tools, such as genome screening, it should be possible to localize genes that regulate redox homeostasis and, ultimately, identify the DNA sequence variants predisposing subjects to oxidative damage.