Two Unprecedented Dibromotyrosine-Derived Alkaloids from the Brazilian Endemic Marine Sponge Aplysina caissara

Two new bromotyrosine-derived alkaloids, caissarine A (1) and caissarine B (2), along with three known biogenetically related alkaloids, aeroplysinin-1, fistularin-3, and the artifact of isolation 2-(3,5-dibromo-4-dimethoxy-1-hydroxy-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-yl)ethanamide, have been isolated from Aplysina caissara, an endemic species of marine sponge from the Southeastern Brazilian coast. The alkaloids have been identified by analysis of spectroscopic data. While caissarine A has a 2-hydroxyagmatine moiety in its structure, caissarin B is the first naturally occurring compound encompassing the unprecedented 1,7-diamino-3-hydroxyheptane moiety.

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