Obstetric care and payment source: do low-risk Medicaid women get less care?

OBJECTIVES: This study examined whether Medicaid-insured women at low risk receive less adequate obstetrical care than privately insured women. METHODS: Low-risk women who were cared for by a random sample of obstetrical providers in Washington State were randomly selected. Information on all prenatal and intrapartum services was abstracted from medical records. Service information was aggregated into standardized resource-use units. Results compared Medicaid-insured women with those who were privately insured. RESULTS: Medicaid-insured women were significantly younger (22.5 years vs 26.9 years) and averaged 6% fewer visits than privately insured women. Nonetheless, Medicaid status had no meaningful association with prenatal, intrapartum, or overall resource use. Some variation occurred in individual resources received. Medicaid-insured women had 38.8% more resources expended on testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Privately insured women had more resources expended on alpha-fetoprotein testing and on amniocentesis. There were no meaningful differences in birthweight or gestational age at delivery. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of women who entered obstetrical care at low risk, similar care and resources were expended on Medicaid-insured and on privately insured women.