The time of appearance of relaxin in peripheral blood was determined in conceptive and non-conceptive cycles using a sensitive and specific double-antibody enzyme-linked immunoassay for human relaxin. For study of relaxin in early pregnancy, daily plasma samples were collected from women receiving artificial insemination of donor semen. The day of ovulation was determined by daily LH monitoring and ultrasound observation. In three conceptive cycles, relaxin was significantly elevated over baseline 9-10 days following the LH peak. Relaxin concentrations quickly rose over the next 15 days of observation to over 800 pg/ml. Relaxin was observed to increase 1 to 2 days prior to the first detectable increase in plasma hCG as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To compare the relaxin profile in conceptive cycles with normal luteal phase concentrations relaxin was also measured in daily plasma samples collected from women contracepting with barrier methods, bilateral tubal ligation, or abstinence. A small but consistent rise in relaxin in the late luteal phase was observed in nine of eleven women, which began 6-9 days after the LH peak, averaged approximately 50 pg/ml, and was declining by the next menses. It is ocncluded that a small but measurable rise in plasma relaxin is associated with the normal luteal phase and that relaxin secretion is accelerated around the time that hCG is first detected in conceptive cycles. This acceleration of relaxin secretion which is associated with the onset of hCG may provide additional evidence for identification of transient early pregnancy.