Derivation of Non-Lymphopenic BB Rats with an Intercross Breeding

Previous studies have suggested that the development of diabetes in the BB rats does not require the expression of T lymphopenia. In order to derive non-lymphopenic diabetic rats and define the relationship between the T cell abnormalities, MHC genotype, and diabetes, we performed a cross between BB/H and diabetes resistant BB/control followed by an intercross of the F1. In the F2, the overall incidence of diabetes and lymphopenia was 30% and 27%, respectively. Lymphopenia was strongly associated with diabetes (p < 0.001) and was seen in 76% of the diabetic F2's. However, 6 of the diabetic were non-lymphopenic (24%) and 3 of the non-diabetics were lymphopenic (5%). In the non-lymphopenic diabetic animals, all T cell levels were within the normal range, but diabetes occured at an earlier age than their lymphopenic littermates (p < 0.001). In contrast to the strong association between the inheritance of lymphopenia and diabetes, no relationship between diabetes and Class I MHC restriction fragment length polymorphisms was found. We conclude: 1) Diabetes and lymphopenia are strongly associated inherited abnormalities in the BB rat and are not associated with Class I RFLP defined genotypes within the RTIu haplotype, 2) Animals in whom diabetes occurs in the absence of lymphopenia can be derived using this breeding approach 3) In our non-lymphopenic rats, diabetes occurred at an earlier age possibly reflecting the restoration of quantitative or qualitative T cell defects found in lymphopenic BB rats.