Spectrum of chest radiographic abnormalities in children with AIDS andPneumocystis carinii pneumonia

This report aims to provide a description of the spectrum of radiographic findings in children with AIDS andPneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP). The chest radiographs of all children with perinatally transmitted HIV infection who had PCP were reviewed. Thirtyeight episodes of PCP were noted in 32 children. The age range was 2–17 months. The radiographic findings were characterized as to pattern, severity, presence of pulmonary air cyst, thoracic air leak, thoracic lymphadenopathy, and pleural effusion. The initial distribution of disease was as follows: diffuse (n=20), patchy (n=12), focal (n=4), normal (n=2). In nearly one-third of children parenchymal abnormalities were mild enough that most normal lung markings were visible. During the course of the illness pneumothorax was noted in eight cases, pulmonary air cyst in five, and pneumomediastinum in one. Pleural effusions were noted in three (5%) cases. Thoracic lymphadenopathy was not observed in any case. The authors concluded that the initial chest radiographic appearance of PCP in children with AIDS is variable. The initial chest radiograph may be normal. The distribution was patchy or focal in nearly one-half of all cases with parenchymal abnormalities. Pulmonary air cysts or thoracic air leaks were noted during the course of the illness in approximately one-third of all cases.