Following the intraven. adm. of a test dose of 50 mg of pyridoxine, its urinary excretion was studied 98 times in 84 patients. 12 of 14 individuals (88%) under 50 yrs. of age excreted in 1 hr. an avg. of 8.4% of the amt. injected. 32 of 45 patients (71%) over 50 yrs. of age showed an avg. output of 7.2%; the remaining 13 subjects (29%) excreted an avg. of only 2.3%. 10 patients between 5 and 15 yrs. of age eliminated an average of 21.3% of the amt. of pyridoxine injected. This observation suggests the advisability of using a test dose based on body wt. 6 of 7 patients with post-encephalitic parkinsonism showed a diminished output of pyridoxine averaging 2.5%. 12 of 14 patients with varying degrees of renal insufficiency demonstrated a definite impairment in the excretion of pyridoxine, while the remaining 2 had a low normal output.