Stable gradient nanoflow LC-MS

This paper demonstrates improved nanoflow LC-MS performance on a QqTOF instrument with the incorporation of a heated nanoflow interface (particle discriminator) and a nebulizer assisted sprayer. It is shown that the nebulizer broadens the usable range of electrospray potentials, simplifying the tuning procedure, particularly for negative mode nanoflow gradients. The improved desolvation capability with the particle discriminator results in signal/noise improvements of approximately 3.5× for negative ion mode samples prepared in predominantly acidified water as well as increased ion current stability. For nanoLC applications, the combined desolvation capabilities of a counter-current gas and heated laminar flow chamber provide reduced background, increased signal stability, reduced background drift, and improved protein sequence coverage when compared with data generated with only a counter-current gas for desolvation. This system is capable of subfemtomole nanoflow LC-MS sensitivity in both positive and negative ion mode across the solvent gradient.